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Dave's Appalachian Swirls

Having produced machine made marbles with Champion Agate and JABO, Inc., Dave McCullough's partnership in marble manufacturing with Sammy's Mountain Marbles would end and Dave would waste little time starting up his own operation in Pennsboro, WV.  With his right-hand man Richard McKnight in tow, investments from previous JABO contract run investors would make possible a new 3/4" machine and equipment to be established on property having natural gas rights owned by Dave.
They would produce their first 3/4" test run on May 4th, 2014, with the 'Ole Dawgs' crew. Successive runs, including test runs, as well as other crew runs would occur in rather high frequency of two, to three runs per month in the first year alone. Initial productions were hampered by new equipment issues that created a high number of anomalous patterns and cold roll defects. These patterns were of two opposing, mirrored twists in which many resembled the spiraling horns of a Ram. They were, however, fairly attractive and unique, soon coined 'Ram's Head' swirls. An eventual retooling of the machine rollers would greatly reduce the occurrence of Ram's Head swirls, and Dave's Appalachian Swirls, AKA 'DAS' marbles, would continue producing some of the most colorful swirl type glass marbles, to this day.

In similar fashion as the previous Jabo, Inc. contract runs, and to the delight of many, the DAS partnership continued to bring in more marble enthusiasts to see first hand, as well as participate in the production of glass marbles.

With Dave McCullough's passing, October 13, 2024, the future of DAS marbles is unclear.


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